There are a few things to note about our classroom structure to ensure our year is smooth and communication is open, consistent, and understood. We will begin each day with a short hands-on activity at the table followed by our Morning Meeting time. It will be very beneficial to your child if he/she arrives promptly so as not to miss out on any learning or important information about our day. If your child does arrive late, please help them enter the room quietly and join the group as quickly as possible.
Please: No toys from home!!! Not only are they a major distraction, there is potential for a special toy to get damaged while at school. We furnish plenty of things for the children to play with and explore at school. We do, of course, understand if your child needs a special security object, such as a blanket or stuffed animal to ease separation anxiety. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter!

Please send a simple tote bag or backpack with your child. This will be our primary mode of communication each day. These will be checked every morning at school and then sent home with important information for you each evening. There won’t be something for you EVERY day, but please make sure to check it daily so you don’t risk missing important information.
We want to make every effort to be available to you for communicating comfortably.
You can contact the front desk at 660.747.6133 via text or call for help with any questions or concerns.
If you need to contact the teacher, you can either leave a message with the front desk or send an email to
We will send out a weekly newsletter via email to keep you up-to-date on classroom activities!
The Parent/Teacher connection is VERY important to the success of every child!!
State Licensing Regulations require that a completed Health Care Summary be on file for each child enrolled. The Health Care Summary must be completed by your child’s physician and returned to us within 30 days of enrollment. Immunization records must be completed by the start of school or at the time of enrollment.
Per Missouri state law, the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in our Center Stage Fine Arts Preschool may request notice of whether there are any children enrolled at our facility with an immunization exemption on file. If you would like to request this information, please contact our front desk and the information will be provided to you. Please note, the name or names of individual children are confidential and will not be released. Our response will be limited to whether or not there are children enrolled at our facility with an immunization exemption on file.
If your child shows symptoms of a cold, suspicious rash, eye or throat infection, please keep him/her home. We also ask that your child be fever free without the aid of medication before you send him/her back to class.
Allergies should be noted on the Health Care Summary. We will notify you of infectious or communicable diseases occurring within the classroom. Should your child become ill during school, we will contact you to remove the child as promptly as possible. Your child will be made comfortable and allowed to rest in view of a staff member until your arrival. Please contact us if your child becomes ill or has a contagious disease.
Permission must be given by the child’s parent before Center Stage can administer medicine. Center Stage must have and follow written instructions from a licensed physician or dentist before administering each prescription medicine. Medicine with the child’s name and current prescription information on the label constitutes instructions. All medicine must be kept in its original container and have legible labels stating the child’s name.
Records will be kept stating name of child, name of medication or prescription number, date, time, dosage, and the name and signature of the person who dispensed the medicine. The record will be available to the parent and maintained in the child’s record.
Center Stage Fine Arts Preschool is committed to teaching children how to cope with real life situations. Therefore, the goal of our discipline policy is self-discipline. When a situation arises that causes conflict between children or when a child becomes frustrated with a situation, we will use the following steps:
The teacher will intervene with the children and try to help them communicate with one another what they are feeling and how the situation has impacted them. (Example: When you took the train I was playing with, it hurt my feelings and made me mad.)
Next, the teacher will remove the child from the situation and suggest an alternative. (Example: Let’s play with a puzzle while you wait for your turn with the train.)
The teacher will then help the child understand the reason for the rule that was broken. (Example: Chairs are for sitting and the floor is for standing. If you stand in the chair, you might fall and hurt yourself.)
Should the child continue to need intervention after he/she is given a chance to redeem himself/herself, the child will be removed from the situation and placed in the Safe Spot. Time in the Safe Spot starts at two minutes or less. Additional time will be added should it become necessary. During conversations with children regarding discipline situations, the following guidelines are used:
Children are never embarrassed or humiliated in front of others. Conversations are as private and discrete as possible.
Corporal punishment is never used, nor is pulling or yelling.
On rare occasions, it may be necessary to remove a child from the classroom due to extreme disruptions. An adult will always be with the child and will work to have them successfully re-enter the routine of the classroom.
Withholding of food for punishment is not permitted.
Children are not punished for toileting accidents.
We realize children will react positively and sometimes negatively while in our care and teachers will communicate any concerns that they may have about your child. However, any child frequently displaying any form of aggressive behavior such as hitting, biting, or pulling hair, or any behavior that inflicts harm on other children in the program may be asked to withdraw from class.